Chiropractic, Healing, Supplements

Pain: OsteoArthritis (Joint Wear and Tear)

Arthritic joints are the most common complaint to healthcare physicians. Severe low back, hip, and knee degeneration (advanced arthritis) are the top permanent disabilities in the United States.

You do not just get arthritis because you are getting older! On x-rays and MRIs, all people have particular areas that are getting progressively damaged. The joints go from not even noticeable arthritis to advanced degeneration causing pain and disability as the years pass.

Traumas can change a normal moving joint to a dysfunctional grinding joint. As people go through life, they get injured; traumatic birth, childhood injuries, sports injuries, accidents, car collisions, bad posture, etc.

Pain is a WARNING SIGNAL. Pain tells your brain there is a problem. It is like the smoke osteoarthritis-information_origalarm going off in your house because there is a fire in the kitchen destroying everything. Are you going to disable the smoke alarm and go about your business? Of course not, but many people are just drugging the pain in their body to temporarily turn off the warning signal while they are getting progressive damage in the bad areas.

Our goal is to have normal pain free motion in all the joints. Initially I will assess which joints are dysfunctional and exactly how they are dysfunctional. 10 people with low back pain could all have different specific problems causing the low back pain; one could have a 5th lumbar disc herniation on the right, another could have a spinal cord stenosis, another could have a sacral bone misalignment and fixation, and another could have an abnormal curvature such as a scoliosis.

How Long to fix? Reestablishing normal movement at a bad joint can take anywhere from 4-16 weeks based on how bad and how long it has been that way. Frequent, specific chiropractic adjustments are needed during this period. 3x per week usually works best. It is kind of like bad teeth- you have to wear the braces for awhile until the crooked teeth straighten out. Specific rehab exercises for the particular troubles are also given. Side note: kids are very easy to fix (their problems haven’t been there forever)!

Stop/ slow/ reverse arthritic progression.  After establishing reasonable pain free joint motion, we try to find what is the least amount of care that needs to be done to keep it good. People who got an adjustment every 2-4 weeks did not get progressive degeneration versus people who just got treated for pain. Having healthy joints is similar to having healthy teeth or strong muscles, you have to brush your teeth and exercise regularly or bad things happen.

What should I take? We use 2 specific formulas: INFLAZYME and INFLAMOX. They are the main herbal and enzyme medicines for joints. About 35% faster healing for new injury. Dampens pain about 50%. Less bone damage with time.

Case 1: 78 y/o man: Extreme low back pain, sciatica with shriveled atrophied leg. On maximum prescription dose of  narcotic pain drugs and the nerve pain drug Neurontin. The MRI showed advanced arthritic degeneration with 90% disc loss in lumbar spine. He said he had a 10 out of 10 pain on all the drugs, and said he couldn’t live much longer like this. His specific spinal abnormalities were corrected with a hand held chiropractic adjusting tool. He started taking the natural anti inflammatory herbs and enzymes. He progressively improved over 6 months, where he stopped the narcotics and went to half dose of the nerve drug. He only had mild pain part of the day and could walk on his bad leg better. His medical doctor reordered his MRI. To all of our astonishments, 2 of his flattened discs went all the way back to normal!

Case 2: 67 y/o man: Burning knee pain, hurts constantly, can`t get out of a chair (has to use his arms), and lightly touching his knee hurts him. The x-ray showed bone on bone on the inside of his knee, loss of collagen in the meniscus, and bone spurs. He had a misaligned femur and tibia that was adjusted with a hand held chiropractic tool, he had specific soft tissue rehab for the knee, and we ordered him a knee brace through medicare. He got progressively less pain in the knee over a 9 month period of time. Somewhere around that time his knee was normal functioning where it didn’t need any treatment. When asked, he would say “I don’t have a knee problem anymore.”

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