Natural Medicine

Introduction to Herbal Medicine

We use herbs as a core healing modality at Sarasota Medical Natural Healing Center since the 1970s. Dr. Majercin has hand picked or created from scratch the specific formulas we use to restore health to people. The herbs are are grown and processed the right way; from selecting the seeds, preparing the soil, hand picking the weeds versus pesticide use, harvesting on the day of maximum potency, processing the herbs the same day harvested to keep all the phyto-nutrients intact.

Herbs have been used as medicine in every culture in every corner of the world throughout history. Ancient written texts as well as oral traditions have passed on the knowledge and wisdom of the past, to be scrutinized by the rigors of 21st century science. Herbs do not actually heal you; instead they change physiologic function and structure and facilitate your own healing.

Most people interested in herbal remedies take an allopathic approach to herbs, where they simply want to treat symptoms of an imbalance. They want to replace their prescription drug with a herbal formula. While this herbal approach is commonly less toxic, less expensive, less additive, and has less side effects (prescription drugs properly prescribed are the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S.), this approach may not treat true causes of the disease. After all no herb can cure a bad diet, no exercise, misalignments throughout the body, and emotional distresses of your own creation. It is up to you to do what you already know you need to do. While using herbs to treat symptoms to ease pain and provide comfort is a good thing, the best use of herbs is to treat the underlying causes of illness.

Historically and even today, most of the world relies on herbal medicines as a primary health choice. China, a country holding about one third of the world’s population, finds more than half the citizens using Chinese herbal medicines as their primary medicine. When I was working in a hospital in Zigong, China, I asked the medical physicians there how many people were prescribed Traditional Chinese herbal medicine versus prescription drugs, and the answer was herbal at about 9 to 1. When some of the Chinese physicians, M.D.s, were speaking to me in their limited use of English, they would interchange the word, “poison”, for western prescription drugs.  In their own  words, they described the use of traditional herbs as being restorative to health, and there primary purpose as a physician being to restore people to health. I found that to be strikingly different than what medical doctors generally practice in the U.S.

Germany covers many herbal products under their health insurance program. In India, the government supports research and education in traditional Ayurvedic herbal medicine. Russians rely on herbal adaptagens to get them through their day. Japanese pharmacies have herbal sections prominently displayed in the front of their stores. Medicinal herbs are found throughout European pharmacies as a common alternative to drugs. An odd American paradigm exists that view herbal medicine as “alternative” and “Eastern“. It is even more bizarre that the American pharmaceutical Industry was founded on herbs, and future cancer cures are being sought in herbs throughout the world.

Natural Medicine, Nutrition

Lowering Blood Sugar Can Kill You

A study out of the New England Journal of Medicine 2008 involved 10,000 type2 diabetics. The patients that had their blood sugar lowered the most by drugs (including insulin and ones that increase insulin) had the HIGHEST DEATH RATE and HEART ATTACKS.


  • Blood vessel damage
  • Nerve and brain damage
  • Kidney damage
  • Increased death rate from heart disease and strokes


  • Increased belly body fat
  • Weight gain
  • Inflammation and body pain
  • Dementia
  • Depression
  • Vascular damage
  • Increased cancer propensity

Type 2 diabetes is a disease of too much insulin. The problem is with the insulin resistance of the tissues and organs. The insulin hormone is trying to carry the sugar into your muscles and other organs, but there is a resistance to that were the sugar isn’t readily getting in. As a result your body starts making even more insulin to lower the escalating sugar levels in the blood stream.


High blood sugar and insulin is best addressed through diet and natural means versus drugs. We typically have patients keep a daily blood sugar log. What commonly happens on a sensible course of care is a steady lowering of blood sugar levels and all blood test parameters returning to normal.

Chiropractic, Healing, Natural Medicine

Chiropractic integrating into China

In 2003, I went with a group of chiropractors to various cities in China to promote chiropractic and to educate healthcare officials on how to incorporate chiropractic into their healthcare system and hospitals. After working in a couple of the biggest hospitals in Zi Gong and speaking with the heads of several different hospitals, I have observed a number of interesting things.

The healthcare plan for Chinese people is much better than ours. All of the doctors at the hospitals are trained in western medicine, and have the particular medical specialties. However, other than acute crisis care, the majority of treatment is centered around restoring health with traditional Chinese medicine. At the hospitals, there is a prescription drug pharmacy and a natural medicine pharmacy. One of the physicians I spoke with said that the natural medicine is chosen about 9 to 1 over drugs.

A number of Chinese physicians, when speaking English use the word ”poison” interchangeably for prescription drugs. Actually when the head of the hospital was giving a presentation to us, he was using the word “poison”. I first thought that there was something in the environment that was hurting people, until I realized he was talking about prescription drugs. Poison might be too extreme of a term to use for medical drugs, but it is the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S.

Dr. Majercin invited into an ancient Buddhist temple to treat a sick nun.

They openly welcome chiropractic for a number of reasons. One big problem they have at the hospitals, are disc protrusions with associated nerve problems that require surgery. Chiropractic care can reduce the number of surgeries by 80-95%. They think this is much better for the patient, and reduces the over all cost of medical procedures. In contrast, people who run hospitals in this country want more surgeries and expensive procedures to make the hospital more profitable.

They look at chiropractic as something that restores health, like traditional Chinese medicine. It makes “sense” to them. It does not have “side effects“.

I think we should learn from the Chinese. I think our society, its physicians included, are too brain washed by the drug industry. Our society seems to be too focused on quick fixes, versus focusing on a plan that restores total health to the body and corrects the causes of disease.

Getting a chiropractic adjustment or taking herbs to restore health to a sick body automatically makes sense to Chinese physicians and the people in general. Here in the U.S., I find it odd that people in general do not correct their health problems or diseases, and mostly take drugs to placate the symptoms or effects of the disease.

Chiropractic, Healing, Natural Medicine, Nutrition

Gas and Bloating

Gas and Bloating: Candida, Yeast, Parasites, and Foreign Bacteria Overgrowth.

  • Gas, bloating, constipation/diarrhea, stomach and abdominal pain, gastroesophageal reflux
  • Skin issues: acne, itching, rashes
  • Food allergy and sensitivities
  • Hormone disorders
  • Fatigue, Mental health: depression

Poor digestive powers make less stomach acid and digestive enzymes to kills the invisible microbes in your food and to digest your meals completely. When not working well, meals rot, putrefy, and ferment in the intestinal tract. The fermentation can also cause reflux of the poorly digested meal back up toward the esophagus.

Spinal misalignments between the shoulder blade area can affect the neurologic production of enzymes and stomach acid. In animal studies, researchers at the A.T. Still Research Institute found that when the thoracic vertebraes that are neurologically connected to the stomach area are displaced, the animals produced less digestive enzymes.  If the thoracic subluxation persisted, the animals commonly would develop gastrointestinal inflammatory damage. In people, the stomach pain typically starts decreasing with the first chiropractic treatment.

Weak digestive powers let bacteria, parasites, and every kind of foreign microbe into your body. As they start to populate the intestines, bloating, gas, and allergies start to develop. As it persists, you get inflamed damaged intestinal tissue.

The damaged inflamed intestines leads to the Leaky Gut condition, where toxic waste, microbes, and undigested allergens can get into the bloodstream. This leads to liver problems in how it regulates everything in the blood stream.

Case 1: Depressed, bloated, allergies with mucus and coughing, extreme fatigue, mental fog, run down. After reviewing the history and many current problems, Dr. Majercin performed an exam where he checked acupuncture points on the body that correspond to organs, infections, and various body functions. The only test point that showed abnormal was the parasite point. A specific herbal detox protocol was set up. About 6 weeks later worms were coughed out of the lungs! All symptoms improved or cleared completely. Mental fog gone. Allergies gone. She noticeably walked and talked faster.

Case 2: Stomach ulcer pain, nausea, gas, reflux, bloating, fatigue, low back pain at night, anxiety, weight gain. The exam found 3 spinal bones displaced affecting digestion, a hiatal hernia, and abnormal acupuncture points for digestive enzyme production, bowel toxicity, emotional distress, prostate, and virus. His spine was put on a corrective adjustment protocol, his stomach was pulled down with a soft tissue technique to keep the valve shut, and natural medicine protocol was done for the imbalances found. 12 weeks later, “Overall I feel great! I have lots of energy. I am in a happy mood most of the time!” Stomach pain gone. Reflux gone. Low back pain gone. Lost 10lbs. Bloating and gas gone.

Case 3: Fibromyalgia, weight gain, fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, swollen lymph nodes, neck pain, back pain, numb arm and hands, colitis, depression, high blood pressure, tinnitus, gas and bloating. The patient explored different types of medical and non medical care to treat her autoimmune issues without any success. She was getting sicker and sicker. The exam found her to have spinal subluxations causing pain, arm and hand numbness, weakened immunity and digestive issues. She had abnormal acupuncture points for virus, heart, brain, liver, and adrenal glands. A 6 month protocol of natural medicine and chiropractic care was set up. Her rheumatologist was amazed that her rheumatoid antibody blood test went normal. She had lots of energy. Lost 20lbs. Numbness in arms was gone. Neck and back pain gone. Bowels were normal. Bloating was gone. Blood pressure was normal. Not depressed!

Chiropractic, Healing, Supplements

Pain: OsteoArthritis (Joint Wear and Tear)

Arthritic joints are the most common complaint to healthcare physicians. Severe low back, hip, and knee degeneration (advanced arthritis) are the top permanent disabilities in the United States.

You do not just get arthritis because you are getting older! On x-rays and MRIs, all people have particular areas that are getting progressively damaged. The joints go from not even noticeable arthritis to advanced degeneration causing pain and disability as the years pass.

Traumas can change a normal moving joint to a dysfunctional grinding joint. As people go through life, they get injured; traumatic birth, childhood injuries, sports injuries, accidents, car collisions, bad posture, etc.

Pain is a WARNING SIGNAL. Pain tells your brain there is a problem. It is like the smoke osteoarthritis-information_origalarm going off in your house because there is a fire in the kitchen destroying everything. Are you going to disable the smoke alarm and go about your business? Of course not, but many people are just drugging the pain in their body to temporarily turn off the warning signal while they are getting progressive damage in the bad areas.

Our goal is to have normal pain free motion in all the joints. Initially I will assess which joints are dysfunctional and exactly how they are dysfunctional. 10 people with low back pain could all have different specific problems causing the low back pain; one could have a 5th lumbar disc herniation on the right, another could have a spinal cord stenosis, another could have a sacral bone misalignment and fixation, and another could have an abnormal curvature such as a scoliosis.

How Long to fix? Reestablishing normal movement at a bad joint can take anywhere from 4-16 weeks based on how bad and how long it has been that way. Frequent, specific chiropractic adjustments are needed during this period. 3x per week usually works best. It is kind of like bad teeth- you have to wear the braces for awhile until the crooked teeth straighten out. Specific rehab exercises for the particular troubles are also given. Side note: kids are very easy to fix (their problems haven’t been there forever)!

Stop/ slow/ reverse arthritic progression.  After establishing reasonable pain free joint motion, we try to find what is the least amount of care that needs to be done to keep it good. People who got an adjustment every 2-4 weeks did not get progressive degeneration versus people who just got treated for pain. Having healthy joints is similar to having healthy teeth or strong muscles, you have to brush your teeth and exercise regularly or bad things happen.

What should I take? We use 2 specific formulas: INFLAZYME and INFLAMOX. They are the main herbal and enzyme medicines for joints. About 35% faster healing for new injury. Dampens pain about 50%. Less bone damage with time.

Case 1: 78 y/o man: Extreme low back pain, sciatica with shriveled atrophied leg. On maximum prescription dose of  narcotic pain drugs and the nerve pain drug Neurontin. The MRI showed advanced arthritic degeneration with 90% disc loss in lumbar spine. He said he had a 10 out of 10 pain on all the drugs, and said he couldn’t live much longer like this. His specific spinal abnormalities were corrected with a hand held chiropractic adjusting tool. He started taking the natural anti inflammatory herbs and enzymes. He progressively improved over 6 months, where he stopped the narcotics and went to half dose of the nerve drug. He only had mild pain part of the day and could walk on his bad leg better. His medical doctor reordered his MRI. To all of our astonishments, 2 of his flattened discs went all the way back to normal!

Case 2: 67 y/o man: Burning knee pain, hurts constantly, can`t get out of a chair (has to use his arms), and lightly touching his knee hurts him. The x-ray showed bone on bone on the inside of his knee, loss of collagen in the meniscus, and bone spurs. He had a misaligned femur and tibia that was adjusted with a hand held chiropractic tool, he had specific soft tissue rehab for the knee, and we ordered him a knee brace through medicare. He got progressively less pain in the knee over a 9 month period of time. Somewhere around that time his knee was normal functioning where it didn’t need any treatment. When asked, he would say “I don’t have a knee problem anymore.”

Nutrition, Recipe, Supplements

Peanutbutter Collagen Protein Cookies

Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth Collagen™ provides three potent sources of collagen with benefits spanning from gut support, joint health, healthy skin support, immunity support and support for cognitive function. Types I and III are the major components of skin, hair, nails, muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, gums, teeth, eyes and blood vessels.
Together, Types I and III collagen make up more than 90 percent of the collagen in our bodies.Type II collagen is targeted for gut and joint health plus healthy immune function.” These health benefits are why many ancient cultures made and consumed bone broth, but I personally think peanut butter cookies are a much tastier way to support the health of your skin, hair, gut, and joints.


  1. Combine 1 egg, 1 cup organic peanut butter, and 1/2 cup sucanat(or maple sugar, coconut sugar, or your favorite sweetener)
  2. Mix in 2 heaping scoops Bone Broth Collagen™ Vanilla and a pinch of pink sea salt.
  3. Portion off dough and roll into 12 balls. Use a fork to press a crosshatch pattern into the tops.
  4. Bake at 350° for 10-12 minutes.

Macros(per cookie): 179 Calories, 8g Protein, 11g Fat, 12g Carbs

Natural Medicine, Nutrition, Supplements

New Anti-Aging Science

Scientists can look at a cell of any person under a microscope, not knowing anything about them, and tell their age and how many more years they have left to live.
Inside every cell of your body you have chromosomes in the nucleus of the cell. The very ends of the chromosomes are called telomeres. Telomeres shorten each time our cells divide. As telomeres shorten, we age progressively and die.

It’s important to realize that telomere shortening can be accelerated by an unhealthy lifestyle. Obesity, chronic inflammation, psychological stress, environmental pollutants, and smoking, all cause production of free radicals. Free radicals can cleave telomeres, which speeds up the telomere shortening process.

Although you cannot control the rate of your natural telomere shortening process, you CAN control this accelerated telomere shortening, by eating healthy (anti-inflammatory and antioxidant rich diet), getting to your normal body weight, controlling emotional distress, taking antioxidant and anti-inflammatory supplements, and increasing glutathione levels in the body.

Accelerate aging and Telomere Shortening

  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Emotional stress
  • Inflammation

Supplements that Decelerate Aging and Stop Telomere Premature Shortening

  • Cold processed whey protein- Increases glutathione levels that slows telomere shortening.
  • ALA/ALC- Strongest known antioxidant.
  • Inflam-Ox- Stops free radicals from shortening telomeres and stops chronic inflammation.
Chiropractic, Healing, Natural Medicine

Chiropractic Care

The job of the chiropractic physician is to evaluate your whole body to ensure that all the joints and body parts are in normal alignment and moving properly. If something is wrong the doctor will set up a course of care to fix it. The care will usually center around the chiropractic adjustment, which moves the misaligned bone back into its normal position and motion. The adjustment is typically done with a hand held instrument that is very precise, gentle, and effective.

What Bad Alignment Does: Having abnormally misaligned bones in the body is not good; whether it is a misaligned spine, knee, shoulder, or foot. Misaligned bones cause a number of bad things to happen:

  1. Increased degeneration/ destruction of joint. A misaligned joint no longer moves in a smooth, gliding range of motion. When it is used, it grinds and causes wear and tear damage. This includes; arthritis, disc loss, knee meniscus loss, carpal tunnel, tendonitis, bursitis, plantar fascitis, and many other specific disorders.
  2. Abnormal brain and nerve function. The decreased, abnormal movement at the misaligned joint, causes decreased movement information to be sent to the brain from the local nerve receptors in the joint. This decrease in electrical impulses to the brain can cause; Decreased cognition/mental acuity, decreased immunity, vision and hearing impairment, abnormal balance or dizziness, abnormal posture, chronic muscle spasms, and emotional distress.
  3. Decreased Circulation. The abnormal impulses to the brain from the abnormally moving joint cause vasoconstriction to tissues and organs adjacent to the joint. This decreased circulation can lead to disease in the local organs (the basis of the osteopathic profession).
  4. Pain. Pain does not always occur with misalignments. Joint degeneration, abnormal nerve and brain function, and even poor circulation can happen from a misalignment with the absence of pain. Pain can be mild to extreme from misalignments. Pain can be local or radiating to different areas.

Causes of Abnormal Alignment:

  1. Birth Trauma
  2. Falls and accidents
  3. Sports injuries
  4. Strain and Sprains
  5. Micro Traumas caused by repetitive stress injuries; bad posture in car, home, work, etc.
  6. Sedentary lifestyle
  7. Overuse injuries

Correcting Abnormal Alignment
Most adults have had their problems for many years. The longer a misalignment pattern has been established, the longer it takes to fix. The muscles, ligaments, scar tissue, and the brain-muscle memory are use to the abnormal position, and the crooked alignment becomes the person’s normal position.
Frequent chiropractic adjustments have to be done to break the misalignment pattern. The average adult can break a bad misalignment pattern in 3 months. The average adult will get maximum benefit in regards to arthritis reversal in about 2 years. Once good alignment has been established, a wellness oriented person will get regular chiropractic adjustments to stay healthy